Podcasts & Videos
Introduction to Alma Acupuncture/Adrianne Ortega, LAc
I AM PROJECT: Alma Acupuncture
Entrevista Con Media De Seda

Choosing a Fellow of ABORM
How can acupuncture help during your first trimester?
How can acupuncture help during your second trimester?
How can acupuncture can help with IVF/IUI?
Acupuncture for pain relief/cancer side effects at Survivorship Conference for Rio Grande Cancer Foundation in El Paso, Texas – August 2012.
Guest Blogger, AOMA Graduate school of Integrative Medicine – Nutrition: Maintaining Energy (click here – to read blog) – October 2013
Effects of Stress and Chinese Medicine at UTEP (University of Texas in El Paso) in El Paso, Texas – November 2013 – 2018